Monday, July 29, 2013

love pain and addiction


     Chapter 1:

In the middle of April of 2004, Dystany was sitting on the brown couch feeding her baby sister, the bottle was warm as the summer’s day and everything started going well until…. A tall skinny dark skinned man named Paco came with his friends . . . the way they were acting I knew something was up. . Paco started asking everyone in the room did they want to try something, my sister and I were sitting there watching Disney channel. . Until I looked up and saw him holding a small clear container with white powder that looked like flour, as she watched him open the clear container and as he slowly poured it on outer side of his hand. He put his nose to it and sniffed it .after he did it about 3 more times he asked dystany’s mother did she want to try it, and she agreed by following the same steps he did. Once she sniffed it twice she stopped and said, “not in front of my kids”.  . Dystany couldn’t believe what she was seeing she didn’t know what it was but she knew it wasn’t good.  Once her friends got ready to leave, Paco left the clear container with her mom .After they left she started acting an odd way, so her sister and her went into my room. she put her to sleep while she played the game. While back in the living room her mom was a wreck, she was tapping her foot uncontrollable not knowing what to do, but little did she know that thing she tried was a drug called “Cocaine” which is a powerful drug. Once you start it, it’s kind of hard to stop. And soon her mom became addicted.

                                                  Chapter 2:

    While her mother’s addiction with cocaine started to become an obsession, she decided to try a new drug that was much, much powerful then cocaine it was a drug name “Crack”. Now Dystany didn’t know the difference between the two because at the time she was only 6, but she started to see change in her mother, not only in her size but her habits she began to tap more and started to shake like she couldn’t help herself, but the shaking only occurred when she needed to get high and to see her mother like that broke her heart. Her mother’s hygiene became hard to miss it’s like she didn’t care about her hair or how she looked all that really mattered was the drugs. But one day Dystany got a phone call from, her grandma telling her that she was on her way to their house with some things she had picked up, Dystany just said okay and went to tell her mom, she went in the living room where her mom and her friend were sitting once they noticed I was standing right there they hide their pipes and her mom asked her what she wanted, she simply told her grandma on her way. Once those words came out, her mom jumped up putting all her materials under the couch, she started lighting scented candles and spraying air fresher to cover that horrible smell, the smell smelt like someone was burning plastic. Dystany just walked away not saying a word. . .
  *Do You Think Her Grandma Will Ever Find Out ?
*Do You Think Dystany's Mom Will  Ever Stop ?....

                                           Chapter 3  


 She just looked out the window and waited on her grandma to arrive once she saw her grandma pull up, she run to the door to open it but before she could her mom grabbed her and said ‘what happens in this house stays in this house ‘she just said I know mom and opened the door running to her grandma. Dystanys grandma came in and asked what we had been doing she said she had been playing the game while watching her baby sister once they were finished bringing in the bags, dystanys mom kept trying to rush her mom out of the house saying mom don’t you have something to do? And dystany grandma had noticed that she was shacking and she asked was she okay, dystany mom just answered and said ‘mom I’m fine’ then after that her grandma was on her way. But before she left she told dystany to call her if she needed anything, and she left out the door dystanys mom looked out the door waving as if she was going to miss her mother once her moms car was out of sight, she closed the door quickly and got everything from under the couch, she used steel wool to clean her pipes and stuffed it at the bottom of her pipes so the drug wouldn’t fall out, once the steel wool was in place she would use a metal stick to push down her drugs and making it stay in place once it was in place she would light the bottom of the pipe where the steel wool was at and inhale it . Repeating these steps over and over again once she was done she would go to sleep on the couch, and I mean it was a deep sleep, it was to the point where dystany had the music blasting and her mother wouldn’t move a muscle. This addiction was becoming her mother’s life style, dystanys mom thought that a good meal was sandwiches from the gas station and junk food with juice and once it was time for dystany to go to school she didn’t go because her mother was too high to wake her up, so dystany missed a lot of days of school, and her mother really didn’t care

                                                  Chapter 4:

. She didn’t care if her daughter went to school, she didn’t care if her kids messed up the house or even had clean clothes all she cared about was her drugs it was like her was her world. So one day this tall light skin man came with Paco, and all of a sudden dystany mom told her ‘dystany I’m going to the store I’ll be right back okay ‘my friend will watch y’all while I go and come right back okay, dystany said ‘mom can I go with you?’ and she said no dystany I’m going to be right back now come and lock the door, so she did what her mom said and went in her room. Now back in the living room her moms friend was knocked out and hours went by not hearing for her mom and soon days pasted and there was still no sign of her mom doing those days her moms friend was still sleep dystany went to see if she was even breathing and she was she was just in a deep sleep, so on the fourth day dystany heard somebody with keys at the door at 12 o’clock at night she was hoping that it was her mom but it wasn’t it was her uncle and she ran to him and hugged him , he asked her ‘ dystany where’s your mom ‘ she said ‘ I don’t know I haven’t heard from her or seen her in 4 days’. With that being said her uncle called dystany grandma and told her what was going on and she said ‘bring the girls to my house ‘and he did  just that he had the girls pack some clothes and some bottles for her little sister. And once she did that they left headed to her grandma’s house, when they arrived there her grandma told her to go lay down and she would talk to her in the morning and that’s what she did because she was tried, the next morning she smelled her grandma cooking breakfast eggs, bacon, pancakes and a side of orange juice. It smelled so good after dystany showered and washed her sister she ate breakfast with her grandma after they ate dystany washed dishes and in the making of washing dishes she saw the steel wool and she really  didn’t  really know the right way to use it so dystany went in her grandma’s room and asked her what it was used for, after her grandma told her what it was used for she said ‘ well grandma my momma use this too’ and her grandma said dystany everyone use this and dystany responded ‘ no grandma I’m gone show you what I’m talking about  ‘ so dystany went to find a small tube like just like the size of a pipe and when she did she went to show her grandma , and her grandma’s response was ‘dystany my child don’t do that’  and dystany said ‘grandma why you think she was shaking because she need to get high ‘, right before could response her phone rung and all you heard was “ MOMMA MY GIRLS GONE I DON’T KNOW WHERE THEY ARE’ and dystany grandma said calmly ‘I have the girls and they are safe’ once she said that dystany mom said ‘okay well momma I’m on my way over there and I need to talk to you. All her grandma said was okay, and when dystany mom arrived she went to talk to her mom. She had asked her mom could she borrow money for some made up lie she said and her mom said “what’s going on with you “and dystanys mom said’ momma I’m fine ‘and I just have the money and dystany grandma just gave her the money. Dystanys mom left without even saying see you later and that kind of upset dystany.   

* what do you think will happen ?


                                                       Chapter 5:

.  So days had pasted without hearing from her mom and without seeing her, her mom only came around when she needed to sleep or eat or was in need of money, now as you see none of those reason was to  see her kids, so the next time her mom came around dystanys grandma sat her daughter down and told her ‘look I think it’s best if the girls stay with me ‘ and dystany mom replied ‘ mom I can rise my own kids okay’ after dystany heard her mom say she wanted them back dystany didn’t want to go she was actually doing good in school, she didn’t have to worry about was anybody gone to help her with her homework, or what she was going to eat other then junk food. Dystany liked staying at her grandma’s, soon her grandma came and talked to dystany and  she told her ‘dystany right now your mom isn’t stable and can’t take care of you’ dystany said I know grandma, and soon after that conversation with her grandma, dystany grandma had court. The court date was for Guardianship over her grandchildren until their mom could take care of them the right way, (now don’t get me wrong before her mom did drugs she was a good mom she helped dystany with everything and all that changed when she started doing drugs), so the judge had gave dystanys grandma custody to her two grandchildren. Once dystany heard the news she was happy but after a while she missed her mom and she wanted her around you know like to help her with her homework, don’t get me wrong dystany grandma did everything she could for her grandkids and her two boys as well, so dystany didn’t complain it’s just dystany worried about her mom a lot like did she eat? Was she okay? Have she been sleeping?  and that was a everyday thought, when dystany mom came around she would do everything to make every second count with her mom she would make sure she ate, let her sleep , try to watch movies with her , and even when dystany had money she would give it to her. Now when dystany mom got ready to leave the next day dystany mom would tell her ‘dystany I love you and I’m going to come back soon I promise ‘and dystany would believe her but every time her mom would break her promise and dystany wouldn’t hear from her mom for months at a time, and little did her mom know is that, that hurt dystany not being able to see her mom before she go to bed and before she go to and from school.. And dystany would talk to her grandma about it and her grandma would try to explain but dystany would get angry and being to cry, there wasn’t a reason good enough in the world to explain why her mother wasn’t there and why she picked drugs over her children and soon dystany started to become every angry and when her mom came to sleep and eat dystany would stop listening to her mom because dystany thought why listen to a women that isn’t even around to rise me let alone left me.? And dystany love for her mom grew stronger and dystany didn’t know why, I mean yeah that was her mom but dystany became disappointed in her but yet dystany would be in a deep sleep and when she heard her mom knock at the door she would get up and open the door and let her in, even if her grandma told her not to so dystany still cared about her mom she was just disappointed in her ways and actions.
*what do you think will happen??

To Be Continued  . . . .